WHEN we count the years we establish a chronology. The British system uses ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 14th, 21st…) while the Spanish system uses Roman numbers (s.I, s.II, s.III, s.XIV, s.XXI)
10 years - a decade
100 years – a century (e.g. 1st century-s.I from the year 101 to 200)
1,000 years - a millennium (e.g. 2nd millenium-s.XX from the year 1001 to 2000)
Today we are in the CHRISTIAN ERA. Our era began 2006 years ago, when Christ was born.
Dates before Christ: BC
Dates after Christ: AD (Anno Domini)
6000.BC 476.AD 1492 1789
Writing appears Collapse Discovery French Revolution
Year 0 Roman Empire America
/ / / / /
Prehistory Ancient Age Middle Ages Modern Age Contemporary Age
1. Write down the centuries for these years (use both the English and the Roman systems):
e.g.: 124 = 2nd century - siglo II
370 BC 84 BC 2100 BC 683 BC
739 215 BC 181 100
1767 1323 BC 500 1817 BC
900 1500 1618 873
2. Write down any year for these centuries:
15th cent - s. XV 26th BC - s. XXVI a.C. 11th cent - s.XI
19th BC - s.XIX a.C. 20th cent - s.XX 1st BC - s.I a.C.
12th cent - s.XII 7th BC - s.VII a.C. 16th cent - s.XVI
3. Which of these years is nearer our time: 1132 BC or 1194 BC?
4. What century was it 2357 years ago?
5. How many years are there from 958 b.C. to 1311?
6. What's the 11th - XI century's first year and 10th - X century's last year?
7. Write down the first and the last year for these dates:
The second milenium b.C. 15th century
2nd century b.C. 18th century
Elena del Pozo
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