Tuesday, November 29, 2011
About Arequipa
Ask you questions
A man's whole life in 40 seconds
A version:
Your life in 30 seconds
You better get started!
Anyone can say me a latin word that fits exactly with the video?
A help: it was my favourite one! ;)
Think again
Live curious, National Geographic
Great video about human being.
I copy this from one of my blogger students. She always have good videos in her blog, still has to improve her blog format, but I encourage you all to take a look to her posts. Thank you, Samantha! ;)
Monday, November 28, 2011
About Tsunamis
And what happens if you are beneath the water (diving in a tsunami): here.
And this one is about the Canary Islands and a megatusnami?
About the Hawaiian Islands
And this other video, about volcanoes in Hawaiii (uaouhhh!!!): Click Here
Primary History
Sunday, November 27, 2011
7 Billion, National Geographic
Friday, November 18, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
About the Middle Ages
Reading: The thousand and One nights
About the Tousand and One Nights
A real interesting link about the book.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Inside a tomb: egyptians
About egyptians
Great adventure!!!!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Ancient Art History
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
About our story, Human Being
*Donald Johanson is an american paleoanthropologist known for the discovery of Lucy.
Really interesting! I really recommend it:
And int he same link you have this timeline:
Here you have some games about the evolution and similiarities between humans and apes:
Isis and Osiris
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Stone Age tools
I'm sorry it is in Spanish, but I think it is worth watching!
Using measurements of time and chronology
WHEN we count the years we establish a chronology. The British system uses ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 14th, 21st…) while the Spanish system uses Roman numbers (s.I, s.II, s.III, s.XIV, s.XXI)
10 years - a decade
100 years – a century (e.g. 1st century-s.I from the year 101 to 200)
1,000 years - a millennium (e.g. 2nd millenium-s.XX from the year 1001 to 2000)
Today we are in the CHRISTIAN ERA. Our era began 2006 years ago, when Christ was born.
Dates before Christ: BC
Dates after Christ: AD (Anno Domini)
6000.BC 476.AD 1492 1789
Writing appears Collapse Discovery French Revolution
Year 0 Roman Empire America
/ / / / /
Prehistory Ancient Age Middle Ages Modern Age Contemporary Age
1. Write down the centuries for these years (use both the English and the Roman systems):
e.g.: 124 = 2nd century - siglo II
370 BC 84 BC 2100 BC 683 BC
739 215 BC 181 100
1767 1323 BC 500 1817 BC
900 1500 1618 873
2. Write down any year for these centuries:
15th cent - s. XV 26th BC - s. XXVI a.C. 11th cent - s.XI
19th BC - s.XIX a.C. 20th cent - s.XX 1st BC - s.I a.C.
12th cent - s.XII 7th BC - s.VII a.C. 16th cent - s.XVI
3. Which of these years is nearer our time: 1132 BC or 1194 BC?
4. What century was it 2357 years ago?
5. How many years are there from 958 b.C. to 1311?
6. What's the 11th - XI century's first year and 10th - X century's last year?
7. Write down the first and the last year for these dates:
The second milenium b.C. 15th century
2nd century b.C. 18th century
Elena del Pozo
Introduction to Prehistory
What does Palaeolithic mean?
What is Atapuerca? Why is it important?
Where is it? ____________________________________________________________
What can you find there?
Write about the most important fact you think it is there.
Thank you!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Here you have the pdf about writing I showed you.
And finally, here you have the other video about the starting of writing:
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
You can use new technology for it. As you can see there are lots of ways of doing a timeline. Choose the one that suits the best for you and create your own timeline:
For looking at timelines
If you want to do it with images
Wonderful looking timelines
Interactive timelines
Another way of doing timelines
And more
And here more
Here you have other timelines examples:
You can link in your blogs the timeline you have done or that you liked the most!
Thursday, March 03, 2011
First part: units 5 and 6 theory "Weather and climate"
Vocabulary: you can study with flashcards (look for help in this blog, in the left column
Multiple chice tests.
Label diagrams.
Remeber to answer in complete sentences when you're asked to!
Second part: practice.
Describe and analyze landscapes/ Create and analyze climate graphs/ Situate climates in maps.
For testing yourselves/Climate graphs: Here you can find the application we used in class. You have to clik in the right column in "generador de climogramas".
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Curiosity- Möbius strip
I want to post you this video, because I think is really interesting.
The video is about Möbius strip.
A Möbius strip is a surface with only one side. And we say it is "handedness" (it is nor right-handed nor left-handed). Möbius is the surname of a 19th Century mathematician. He discovered that this special figure had some curious properties. Some of them you will find them in the video.
You can try in your houses if you like. You can do a model by taking a paper strip and giving it a half-twist, and then joining the ends of the strip together to form a loop.
I am sure you can ask in class about this string in science classes and maybe someone could explain you more things. If you want more info you can look here.
This figures are also related with an artist called Escher. Here you have some information about him. And I post you some images I like:
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Listen to music while studying, writing, or reading
Something relaxing or that makes you move?
Have you ever noticed how your favorite music can make you feel better?
Well, new research studies now show how music can make you smarter too!
This is what experts think about music while studying or reading:
"Music stabilizes mental, physical and emotional rhythms to attain a state of deep concentration and focus in which large amounts of content information can be processed and learned. Baroque music, such as that composed by Bach, Handel or Telemann, that is 50 to 80 beats per minute creates an atmosphere of focus that leads students into deep concentration in the alpha brain wave state. Learning vocabulary, memorizing facts or reading to this music is highly effective."
If you want to read more: click here It is a teacher's article, but it is really interesting and I think it will be useful for you also. And, of course, after reading it, you could pass the info to your friends and your parents!
In this article they also mention another composer, Mozart: "Energizing Mozart music assists in holding attention during sleepy times of day and helps students stay alert while reading or working on projects." And in this other page they say about Mozart: Scientists at Stanford University, in California, have recently revealed a molecular basis for the "Mozart Effect", but not other music.
For further information you can also look here.
Here you have the web page I showed you in class today about Baroque music:
I really encourage you to listen to baroque music!!!
Love this sentence I found about music: "Music is so naturally united with us that we cannot be free from it even if we so desired" (Boethius cited by Storr).
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Humans and Planet Earth- music
This song is from Israel Kamakawiwo Ole. He was a Hawaiian musician.
The song is called "Somewhere Over The Rainbow", and its a mix from The Wizard of Oz "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" song and the Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful world" song.
This song is about life, humans and nature...
We live in a Wonderful World...don't you think?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Open Class Forum
It won't be an online discussion site, nor a chat room (as msn is) but if you want we can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Any question about blogs?
If you have any doubt after our class explanation about 'how to create a blog' this is the place to ask!
Some important issues about your social studies blogs:
1. You can organize your blog however you want.
2. It is not compulsory to attach homework, exams or important links; they are just useful ideas.
3. Try to be clear and organised.
4. Presentation is important, but it should show a clear mind.
5. Try to reorganize your blog as you are using it.
6. English is compulsory.
7. Write in a correct and formal way.
8. The blog should show your interest in the subject.
9. Visit regularly our Social Studies general blog, there will be useful class information.
10. Visit your mate's blogs, they will give you some good ideas!
How is it going to be marked:
- Completed tasks
- Organisation
- Interest for the subject
- Internet research
- Use of the blog (practice & innovation)
- Creativity and presentation
- Use of English
From now on, your blog will be your noteblog.
*IMPORTANT: If you don't have internet, you should complete your homework in your notebook. Not having internet is not an excuse for not having it done and it will mean a negative point in your final mark.
You should still use your notebook. I will be collecting notebooks in each exam and at the end of the term. Exercises, class notes or unit summaries should still be included in your notebooks. A noteblog will be an addition to your notebooks.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Around the world
Next 17th January we have an exam!
Please bring the book this week.
H/W (for Monday): write your trip around the world.
- Places you will visit
- Images
- Food, costumes, dress style, traditions
- Adventures
You can search info about conuntries here: